Chamber Organisation


Chamber Assembly
Management Board
Monitoring Board and


Chamber Assembly
Chamber Assembly is the highest body of the Chamber. The Assembly has 51 members. The decree on announcing the elections, adopted by the Assembly of the Chamber, determines the composition of the members of the Assembly, respecting the principles of territorial and territorial representation established by the Statute, as well as the time and place of holding the elections and other issues.

Management Board
Management Board has 13 members elected by the Chamber Assembly among the prominent businessmen. Managing Board manages the affairs of the Chamber in accordance with the Law, the Statute and other general acts of the Chamber and executes the acts of the Chamber Assembly.

Monitoring Board
Nadzorni odbor vrši kontrolu nad ukupnim poslovanjem Komore i druge poslove koje mu stavi u zadatak Skupština Komore.

President represents the Chamber; he is responsible for the legality of the Chamber, manages its work and coordinates the activities of its bodies, and other forms of organization and work in the Chamber.