Why to invest

Republic of Srpska is a preferred destination for foreign investment. Implemented economic reforms – privatization and the development of market economy, development of the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises, creating conditions for attracting foreign investors, and a number of other reforms created the preconditions for the profitability of the investment project.


  • significant natural resources
  • favorable geostrategic location
  • highly educated, skilled and cost-competitive workforce
  • legal security
  • monetary stability
  • low tax rate
  • reformed banking system and the presence of foreign banks
  • favorable treatment of foreign investors
  • benefits for foreign investors
  • liberalization of foreign trade business


Chamber of Commerce of Republic of Srpska and Chamber of Commerce of Banja Luka Region help their members to achieve new business contacts and develop partnerships by organizing joint appearances of economic entities at national and international fairs, organizing business meetings, and through other forms of promotion of the economy, by establishing partnerships with other commercial Chambers and international organizations.


Investment Development Bank of Republic of Srpska (www.irbrs.org)

One of the basic objectives of Investment-Development Bank of Republic of Srpska is to support foreign direct investments. In this purpose, IRBRS promotes potentials of Republic of Srpska and provides certain types of services to foreign investors in the realization of their projects such as:

  • providing information about investment potentials and opportunities and the available sources of funding;
  • finding attractive projects/partners and mediation,
  • business advice,
  • selection of the best location for investing,
  • database of attractive locations in all municipalities of Republic of Srpska and
  • financial support for investment.

The Ministry of international economic relations and regional co-operation – Invest Srpska (www.investsrpska.net)

A central point of the Government of the Republic of Srpska for coordination of activities around encouraging and development of foreign investments is the Ministry of international economic relations and regional cooperation. The Ministry of international economic relations and regional cooperation through the Portfolio for economic cooperation foreign investors provides the necessary information about investment opportunities, legislation, institutions that are available to investors, and provide other necessary information.

FIPA – Foreign investment promotion agency of BiH  (www.fipa.gov.ba)

This fund supports foreign investors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Assets of the Fund for foreign investors in Bosnia and Herzegovina may be used to finance projects of foreign investors in the following sectors: manufacturing sector, sector for researches and the development of other projects, except for projects in the field of catering and shops.