Package of services for investors

Terms of Doing Business

Chamber of Commerce of Banja Luka Region offers the services of mediation and assistance to domestic and foreign investors in the establishment of a company, finding partners and inclusion in business flows as part of its regular activities. It carries out its role in helping the investors of the Chamber at different stages.

Phase 1

In the initial phase, Chamber provides information and advice in line with the requirements of investors, which includes:

• General macroeconomic data,

• Data on the selected economic branch,

• General business conditions in the branch,

• Resource availability (infrastructure, raw materials, labor force),

• Supplier proposal (mediation in contact and meeting),

• Offering greenfield and brownfield locations,

• Advice on the best source,

• Terms of financing,

• Method and forms of registration,

• Contact and organization of negotiations with local and state administration,

• Contact with business service providers: bookkeepers, lawyers, IT services, marketers, banks, employment agencies, etc.

• Experiences of foreign and domestic investors, examples,

• Fiscal policy,

• Foreign trade policy,

• Standardization and certification,

• Support innovation,

• Environmental Protection,

• Protection of intellectual property,

  •  Many others…

Phase 2

In the next stage of the investment, the services refer to:

• Organization of the (B2B) meetings with potential partners in the Chamber,

• Organizing commercial presentations in the premises of the Chamber (small and large hall),

• Offering services for a particular investor (ad hoc proposals and suggestions).

Phase 3

At each higher stage of establishing concrete business steps, the Chamber has the opportunity and the impact to provide as much direct contact and assistance to investors as possible:

• Organizing meetings with local and state authorities, with greater support from the Chamber,

• Organizing meetings with local, regional and foreign partners in the country and abroad,

• Market research, bonitet