The primary goal and role of the Chamber of Commerce and Indutry of Banja Luka Region, as part of the chamber system of Republic of Srpska, is to influence the creation of such economic environment that will have a development component in terms of improving basic economic parameters – increasing the volume of production and exports, bringing foreign investors, hiring new workers, decreasing unemployment.
This goal is realized by monitoring the effects of the Economic Policy Program, the development programs of Republic of Srpska and sectorial strategies, analyzing the legal solutions that affect the business of the economy and proposing concrete measures, i.e. the adoption of new or amendments to existing legal and secondary legislation that will contribute to the creation of a favorable economic ambience. These activities are realized through the organization of sessions of the bodies and bodies of the Chamber (Chamber Assembly, Management Board, Branch Councils and Committees), organizing public hearings, round tables, thematic sessions, etc.